Korean Martial Arts (KMA)

What is KMA?

KMA is short for Korean Martial Arts and is focused on our American Hwarang system. This system blends several Korean martial arts, such as Hwarang Do and Tae Kwon Do, as well others from East Asia, such as Karate, Jujitsu, Kung Fu and Judo. Ultimately, KMA fuses these 'traditional' martial arts together to create more modern and street adaptable blend to fit more realistic situations.


What will be taught?

Students can expect to learn a wide variety of forms and techniques as a result of adapting several well known martial arts into one system. Punches, kicks, striking combinations, locks, throws, and pressure point strikes are a few examples of what will be practiced. While reflecting some of what is taught traditionally, students will focus on more street and practical application of techniques and in turn, get the best of both art and effective self-defense.
